Rishi Sunak chose a bold look for his trip to Kent and the internet put the boot in
A Tory MP stepping in human poo in Kent’s lorry park is the perfect metaphor for Brexit
Brexit bonus – Kent’s lorry queue is now visible from space
Emergency Brexit lorry queue measures made permanent as ‘teething troubles’ become tooth loss
Brexit chaos sees lorry drivers battling in the open-air toilet of Kent
11 Kent Problems
There’s a petition to rename Canterbury West railway station after Kanye West
Someone In Canterbury has been changing road signs to ‘Canterburger’
UKIP candidate rescued from beach after writing love note to Farage in the sand
Ukip conference gatecrashed by dancing ‘Nazis and a World War 2 tank
Important breaking news from Kent
Meanwhile In Rochester…
Girl Rescued From Drain By Firefighters After iPhone Blunder
Revealed: The Plans For Ebbsfleet Garden City