
This week at The Poke..

Happy Friday,

Here are the week’s top stories and links as featured on The Poke.

Apple launched the new SpiPad allowing users ‘to connect instantly’ with Andy Coulson

This goal was amazing

We now know how farmers have fun

Big Brother contestants John McCririck and Collio discuss plans for a musical collaboration

Cassette Boy got his hands on Dragons Den

Tony Blair launched a taskforce to clean up cricket and we revealed a missing chapter from his memoirs

This was our favourite poll dance fail ever

We liked this London Eye LG viral

Killing in the name of…on the accordion

We discovered some rare Beatles footage

Cat Bin Woman launched a new computer game

We saw the best Bollywood film clip ever

Alan Partridge narrated The Spy Who Loved Me

Full Metal Jacket got Disneyfied

Italy got their own Spiderman

If you have something to promote and would like be featured on The Poke or in this mailout please get in touch.

Oh and please follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook

until next week

Team Poke