
‘Man trying to impress barmaid’ is a hilarious cringeworthy delight

Alistair Green regularly provides us all with an outstanding one-man theatre experience, right in the comfort of our own homes.

If you happen to have missed all of his performances, this is a good time to start putting that right.

Meet Matt Hancock’s old uni friend.

Who was hoarding toilet roll and pasta?

Now that people are back at the pub – albeit in the garden – you might spot behaviour like this.

The skit was so on the nose that it practically gave former bar workers flashbacks. These responses are just about perfect.

If you doubt the accuracy, just look upon this anecdote and despair.

So you don’t miss out, give Alistair a follow on Twitter or Instagram.


‘Punk Squirrel IPA’ is the parody you really need in your life

Source Alistair Green Image Screengrab