This GB News presenter’s rant about meat-free Burger King earned her a flame grilling
Surveys suggest that a growing number of UK adults are either vegan or make an effort to replace some meat with plant-based alternatives, either for health or environmental reasons, and the largest proportion of those vegans live in London.
The fast food industry has started catering for plant-based diets, with Burger King going so far as to have an entirely meat-free restaurant in Leicester Square – for a limited period only.
POV: you’re walking into the new meat-free Leicester Square restaurant… pic.twitter.com/uLcLcDgGYm
— Burger King (@BurgerKingUK) April 6, 2022
GB News Presenter Dominique Samuels didn’t take kindly to the experiment.
She added –
“I gave ONE example of how veganism is being shoved down people’s throats. There are tons of other examples and it just so happens to be a coincidence that every single international organisation, e.g. the UN wants less meat consumption to ‘save the planet’.”
There was very little sympathy for her making a whopper of herself, and the takedowns were flaming marvellous.
Anyone in London know if there's another restaurant there that Dominique could go to? https://t.co/sFmTQxMTp8
— THE SECRET TORY 🗽 (@secrettory12) April 10, 2022
yep, there are very few fast food options in *checks notes* central london pic.twitter.com/NngegdDnxq
— hk (@HKesvani) April 10, 2022
You support monarchy and yet the Burger King's divine right is being questioned https://t.co/eZeI38QwcO
— queen of the harpies (@Hey_Brian) April 10, 2022
Other burger joints are available, Dominique https://t.co/wwVVhBKZDY
— Kate Bevan 🇺🇦 (@katebevan) April 10, 2022
Actual LOL at the thought of any Londoner even considering buying food in Leicester Square. https://t.co/RxfEFe0LG0
— John Bull (@garius) April 10, 2022
She's turned the beans against us https://t.co/8q6iJSkj45
— Donaeld The Unready (@donaeldunready) April 10, 2022
Drunk hungry people in Leicester Square don't have many options 😂 https://t.co/uyVHVvHqfn
— Ross McCafferty (@RossMcCaff) April 10, 2022
In a crowded field, this is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read on Twitter. https://t.co/MEwPVfInr8
— Sean Madden (@SeanMad88) April 10, 2022
“Pushed on you”? I mean if you’re incapable of finding somewhere that serves meat in and around Leicester Square it’s probably best your parents stop letting you out on your own.
— CitiZenSane, Unseat Blue No Matter Who (@Citi_ZenSane) April 9, 2022
I heard there are now lots of areas in London police are afraid to go since they imposed Quinoa Law
— cheerysentimentalthing (@JerryStillman) April 10, 2022
UK laws are so ridiculous.
You can't own a gun, it's incredibly easy to sue someone for libel, and you're legally obligated to eat at the "Burger" King in Leicester Square. Very sad. https://t.co/nFAjNor2LD— EL BARTO ANTI-WORK (@ElBartoArmy) April 10, 2022
These days, if you say you don't want to eat at a Burger King's, you get arrested and thrown in jail. https://t.co/q0zdcJylwF
— Share & njoy (@Go_SYH_In_A_Pig) April 10, 2022
the left's next diabolical move is renaming it "Burger Republic" pic.twitter.com/cCSO4Jl7lD
— Adam Smith (@adamndsmith) April 10, 2022
“Sod the planet. Won’t someone think of the hungry drunk people ”
Good grief ♀️ pic.twitter.com/kf6zN40jj6
— Marchioness Carrie Not Non-Dom ♂️ (@TheWordOfCarrie) April 10, 2022
Mate the Leicester Square Burger King closes at 10, how early you finishing? https://t.co/jKgp2dqAZi
— Nick (@nickehbee) April 10, 2022
In conclusion …
if one Burger King being vegan is pushing veganism on us, what are all the meat ones doing?
— kaye ️ (@komradeKaye) April 10, 2022
Piers Morgan just got owned by a vegan sausage roll and people love it
Source @DominiqueTaegon Image Burger King