
Someone took Rosie Holt’s ‘Tory MP’ very seriously indeed and just made the whole thing even better

You will no doubt already be familiar with the fabulous Rosie Holt and her ‘Tory MP’ that invariably crops up responding to the big issues of the day.

Here she is again, just in case you missed it, on the crumbling concrete schools crisis.

Hard to believe we know, but it turned out not everyone is familiar with Rosie’s work, including this person who took her creation very seriously indeed.

And it just made the whole thing even better.

Fair play to @tammilne61, however, he took the whole thing in the best possible spirit.

Last word to @RosieisaHolt.

And if you don’t already, follow @RosieisaHolt here!

To conclude …

Source @tammilne61 @RosieisaHolt