The Tories are going to kick ‘woke ideology’ out of science – 16 explosive reactions
As 30p Lee Anderson blurted out some months ago, the Tories are fighting the next election on the culture war – which, in fine Monty Python tradition, they’re making up as they go along.
Some claims they’ve fabricated so far include suggestions that Labour wants to tax meat, councils plan to limit how often you can go to the shops, and 20 mph is an un-British speed.
On Tuesday, the Conservatives shared their plans for a less-woke science.
Tweeters – including many scientists – were stunned by the idiocy.
Depoliticise science.
She should come to my course Genetics and Society, and learn some absolute basics. https://t.co/s54LTNxS6O— Dr Adam Rutherford (@AdamRutherford) October 3, 2023
You lot can’t even do politics right, so keep out of science.
As a scientist, and biologist in particular, I for one think there’s nothing better than having clueless politicians ‘safeguard’ our work by telling us what we can and can’t research.#AbsoluteJokers #AcademicTwitter https://t.co/REeRhSkBYn
— Prof Ben Garrod (@Ben_garrod) October 3, 2023
I can state with confidence that not a single one of the scientists I work with at Oxford has any idea what this means. pic.twitter.com/VKKvLZgO5Q
— Dave Vetter (@davidrvetter) October 3, 2023
Delighted to announce that Colin from Portsmouth has become Chief Policy Advisor to the Conservative party https://t.co/vomJuqx6Ii
— The Exploding Heads (@Exploding_Heads) October 3, 2023
For fuck's sake, stop stoking a stupid culture war and come up with at least one policy that makes lives better instead – preferably one looking more than 15 mthss ahead.
Science is NOT in danger from "woke ideology", which is a bullshit invented culture war concept anyway. https://t.co/ya83oO33jt
— Prof. Christina Pagel (@chrischirp) October 3, 2023
Insisting on Tory party approved versions of 'science' disregarding what scientists say as woke is the literal classic form of "political correctness" – politicians deciding what can be taught. https://t.co/ooMRo0dZ9j
— Mallory Moore (@Chican3ry) October 3, 2023
Does anybody know what woke science is?
If so, please enlighten me pic.twitter.com/WTgKIGrvZ4
— Louis 〓〓 Defend the right to vote (@LouisHenwood) October 3, 2023
The word woke has no meaning anymore and anyone that uses it is a moron. https://t.co/OReUJxktpl
— TechnicallyRon (On all the platforms) (@TechnicallyRon) October 3, 2023
I have worked hard to make science more inclusive.
Science needs diverse researchers with varied interests & skills, and should apply itself to solving diverse global problems.
As far as I'm concerned, if the government wants to 'kick out the woke', they'll need to sack me. pic.twitter.com/cg35lWoLYT— David K Smith (@professor_dave) October 3, 2023
I'm so utterly baffled by this. They're clearly just chucking random darts at a dartboard and creating weird stuff to be angry about. https://t.co/EHyJmOHOLr
— Hannah O'Hanrahahanrahan (@buntyhoven) October 3, 2023
It is always telling when someone uses “woke” as a pejorative.
OED def: “well-informed, up-to-date…alert to racial or social….injustice”
When a political party use it, they simply expose themselves for who they are.
The mask has finally slipped.
Listen and #VoteThemALLOut https://t.co/1oOY84Hhm9 pic.twitter.com/VOOQnUmqZF
— jAy (cis man) ️️⚧️ (@jayrotoole) October 3, 2023
“They’re making the test tubes gay, Beryl!” https://t.co/YoQXMtQu2c pic.twitter.com/Qc6yPnFvBk
— Adair (@rpxadair) October 3, 2023
WTF is woke science? This is total BS. And these people want us to think they are in charge? https://t.co/moV8p4CiUw
— Richard Murphy (@RichardJMurphy) October 3, 2023
I've never been more disgusted by anything in my life. This government is a disgrace.
Diverse teams lead to better science.
Science cannot and should not be done in isolation. Scientists need to realise the real-life implications of their work. https://t.co/g1QZOzQh7I
— Dr Zoë Ayres (@ZJAyres) October 3, 2023
Me, sobbing: Please, The Actual Government, you can't just say everything you don't like is woke.
The Actual Government, pointing at science: Woke. Woke, so we need to ban it. https://t.co/kDAxzIeCyS— Gee Aitch Cee (@Scriblit) October 3, 2023
I reckon HS2 was cancelled in order to kick out woke ideology from engineering.
— Keith Burge (@carryonkeith) October 4, 2023
In short …
As a scientist…
Fuck off and stop undermining UK science.
— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) October 3, 2023
Perhaps it’s not all bad.
If they kick woke ideology out of science maybe we can finally have a Frankenstein’s monster army
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) October 3, 2023
15 shots fired after a Telegraph columnist said the young are ‘too fat and woke’ for the army
Source Conservatives Image Conservatives, mdjaf on Freepik