
Nick Frost demonstrated his ‘Pies in a Bowl’ recipe. Guess how to make it

Actor, comedian and writer Nick Frost is most well-known for appearing in the Edgar Wright Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End.

However, he has also written his autobiography, Truths, Half Truths and Little White Lies, and now he has released a cookery and anecdotes book, A Slice of Fried Gold: Taste My Memories.

It was to promote his most recent book that Nick recreated some of its recipes for the excellent food TikTok account, Mob. It included this highly self-explanatory dish, Pies in a Bowl.


Solid hack ily

♬ original sound – Mob

Quick and extremely simple comfort food. It’s up to you whether you make the pies from scratch …which may be in another part of the book.

Opinions were slightly divided, but nonetheless entertaining.

The ketchup ruined it.

I wonder why he calls it pies in a bowl.

nova (itto’s #1 fan)

Can you post the recipe?
Ian Hunter

Strangest way I’ve ever seen someone put pepper on something.
its a red onion claud

I like pies, I like bowls! Marriage made in heaven.
Pirate Roberts

I’d use HP brown sauce

Bit o mash and a dob of butter.

Wasn’t sure what to expect from pies in a bowl, but can’t say this is a surprise
Lee Walker4290

I like pies on a barm. Same thing but in a barm cake.

In case anyone’s under the impression that Nick can’t actually cook, here’s his expert demonstration of how to make his mother’s beef stroganoff recipe – complete with a Salt Bae-esque flourish.

@mob Why hello! My name is Nick Frost and I’ve been in Mob to cook up my mother’s beef stroganoff. When I was ten, the thing I liked to eat more than anything was my mum’s beef stroganoff. It was rich, it was glossy, it was spicy, and I loved it. You can find the full recipe for my version of it on the Mob website and plenty of more recipes and memories from me in my new book, A Slice of Fried Gold. It’s out now. #Ad #Mob ♬ original sound – Mob

Get this man his own cookery show.

You can buy his book, A Slice of Fried Gold: Taste My Memories, from bookshop.org and other good bookshops.


Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have updated “The Plan” from Shaun of the Dead – and it’s perfect

Source Mob Image Screengrab