People were invited to brag about their dad on Twitter and it’s often funny, occasionally relatable, and never less than entirely emotional
Our 10 favourite relatable tweets from Classic Dad Moves
‘If You Had to Purchase Fatherhood’ leaves no illusions unshattered
How one Scottish father handles the “boyfriend conversation” with his daughter
A Dad demonstrates the 17 different ways to hold a baby
Instructional Videos For Teenagers #5: Vacuuming
Finally, The Tourist Destination For Dads Everywhere
Tiny Painted Hooligans Face Some Fatherly Justice
Nine Inch Nails Soothes 24-Inch Human
Dad Hates His Son’s New Tattoos
Dad Doesn’t Want Kid To Attend Church Presentation.
Facebook parenting done right
3 Months Of One Father’s Saturday Morning
Dad Creates Action Movie Kid
Dad and baby daughter workout video