Japanese advertising reaches a new level of WTF with this campaign
This Japanese Grandad will destroy you in a game of ‘Try Not To Laugh’
Man throws a pizza into a microwave from the other side of the street
The best (and weirdest) Japanese adverts of 2015
A sumo wrestler with a high-pitched voice makes a pop video
This Japanese sex company has declared today national masturbation day
Japanese gameshow contestants attempt to blow a large insect in each other’s mouths
Japanese company offers wearable tomato-dispensing robot
How To Cook Prawns In Three Seconds
Japanese Discount Store Shirts with Random English Words
What Happens When You Attach A Toothbrush To A Toy Gun?
Meet Japan’s Batman – Chibatman
An Outbreak Of Pikachu’s At Yokohama
‘Life Of Poo’ Makes A Splash In Japan
The iPad Quick Draw System