17 tweets about the quirkier side of the funeral coverage that went wildly viral
queen’s funeral
People reckon Justin Welby threw the most immaculate shade at Boris Johnson
The inspired takedown of this Meghan Markle troll is next level stuff
This supremely awkward moment at the Queen’s funeral went wildly viral and we can’t stop watching
Boris Johnson being told to wait in line at the funeral was a supremely satisfying moment
Kirsty Young’s closing words on the Queen’s funeral were simply magnificent
Aussie TV didn’t recognise Liz Truss and it made everyone’s day better (apart from Liz Truss)
No-one nails Center Parcs’ right royal fiasco better than Rosie Holt
This thread about the ‘triumphantly British’ queue to see the Queen lying-in-state is today’s best read
You won’t read a funnier response to Center Parc’s bank holiday closure for the Queen’s funeral