“What’s something people often don’t realise is British?” – 15 proper eye-openers
Very British Problems
Brits have been sharing the many, many ways they have of saying they’re really busy – 19 familiar suggestions
VeryBritishProblems explained the trivial way people pick up nicknames and the examples flooded in – 17 favourites
“What’s an ostentatious display of wealth in Britain these days?” – 19 signs of the cash being flashed
‘What’s something you can say in any meeting to make it seem like you’re listening?’ – 19 game changers
22 mild changes Brits can make to give their lives a gentle shake up
19 very British ways to describe the worst possible thing imaginable happening
Ever wondered what James Bond’s internet search history might look like? It’s your lucky day – 21 brilliant suggestions
Someone asked people what British compliments they could think of, and these 19 are the dog’s bollocks
People have been sharing some very British exaggerations – 19 favourites
‘What’s a very British five-word horror story?’ – 21 terrifying tales
What’s your stupidest injury? – Can it beat these 21?
23 scariest 4-word British horror stories
What’s something you can say during sex but also while making a cup of tea? – 17 stirring suggestions
“What’s the most British thing you could put on your gravestone?” 22 stone-cold favourites