
The Australian Chase had the perfect question for this conspiracy theorist

53 years after humans first walked on the Moon, NASA has launched the Artemis 1 spacecraft, unmanned, ahead of further flights – leading to a manned Moon mission, Artemis 3, in 2025.

Despite footage, testimonials and displays of rocks gathered by the Apollo crews, not everyone is convinced that Moon walks have happened – like Laura, a contestant on the Australian version of the Chase.

Host Larry Emdur’s face could have its own chat show, after that, because it spoke volumes.

So did the comments on Reddit.

Man he set her up for that big time!!

She should’ve answered, actor Neil Armstrong.

Beliefs go out the window when there’s $$$$ to be won!

A: Yes, I believe the Earth is flat.

B: Ok, for $500, what shape is the Earth?

A: Oblate spheroid. Next question?

This video gave me whiplash.

“…not so much the technical aspects of space, I just like stickers of aliens and stuff.”

Her correct answer would have been “do your own research”.

u/reno83 appreciated where Laura was coming from.

The moon landing may be fiction to her, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know the story. I don’t believe in wizards, but I can tell you what house Harry Potter belonged to.

In case you were wondering, the contestants went home empty handed.


9 funniest questions on ITV’s The Chase

Source r/Australia H/T r/unexpected Image Screengrab