Our 25 Favourite Funny Tweets of the Week
This right-wing not-stalgia-fest got exactly the amount of scorn it deserved (All of the scorn)
This especially straight-talking Icelandic woman didn’t take long to warm up on Tinder and the unexpected payoff is A++
Want to see the ‘World’s Fastest Rope Trick’? Of course you do
Silence of the Lambs has a very different vibe with Wallace playing Hannibal
A bigoted Christian’s performative pity for a man with nail varnish earned her some biblical takedowns
This stand-up really wasn’t taking any of this heckler’s nonsense and she turned it all the way up to 11 and beyond
17 favourite reactions to a doom-laden headline about ‘a catastrophic change that could alter absolutely everything’
People shared stories in which the ‘bad guys’ were actually 100% in the right and they’re still raging about it
‘No, logo!’ These 17 branding fails all belong in the ‘how did that get past the first draft?’ hall of fame
Jordan Peterson’s anti-woke rant about paper towel guidance is still one of his greatest self-owns
We still can’t believe this classic bit of Partridgesque radio happened – but we’re glad it did
This stand-up guy went all Amphibian Grand Designs for the frogs in his garden, and it’s just lovely
25 of the funniest posts we’ve seen on Bluesky this week
The Beatles-themed takedown of this ‘Paul McCartney’ scammer is straight out of the top drawer
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