
Simply 18 outrageously entitled people to have you bellowing into next week

10. ‘She wants a discount in exchange for a bottle of water (tap water, that is)’


11. ‘Aunt doesn’t like that I asked her to pay shipping’


12. ‘Man threatens guy selling chair, claiming he has a sick son and needs it for free’


13. ‘This dude calling me a dick for reminding him he owes me $130’


14. ‘Local selling, but am the ‘asswhole’ for it’


15. ‘My dad’s a photographer, this is his most recent client’


16. ‘These people who want free plants and are also COMPLETELY INSANE’


17. ‘Literally shaking rn! One of my good friends asked for a favor. If her sis in law could stay in my guest room in Miami for her BBL appt… BIG REGRET!’


18. ‘Came home and this note was taped to my door. Time to install security cams I guess’


(via) Image Unsplash Cássio Jardim