People are confessing the most boomer complaints they have – 19 delightfully grumpy suggestions
People born between 1946 and 1964 are known as Baby Boomers or simply Boomers.
They didn’t have to live through World War II, they benefitted from free university education, relatively low house prices and plentiful job opportunities, yet they have a reputaion for complaining about everything the younger generations do or like …which is just how generations work.
Over on Twitter/X, girl fieri had people thinking about that with a really good question –
What is the most boomer complaint you have? Mine is I think people take their dogs too many places for my taste and also I think everyone should be more punctual.
— girl fieri (@realgirl_fieri) November 21, 2023
Judging by the responses, it seems we might all have a few Boomer tendencies. See if you agree with any of these pet peeves.
too many people giving their children nicknames as first names nowadays, you've got your ellas, your archies, your leos, your lotties, your livs. whatever happened to good old fashioned long form names???? give the child a CHOICE of nicknames for goodness sake https://t.co/g9PJcY7CPq
— Emma Szewczak (@EmmaSzewczak) November 22, 2023
I’m so tired of needing a special app for every aspect of modern life. A new app for the kids’ school each year, an app to park my car, an app for every store and restaurant, and on and on.
— Michelle Moore (@curlichel) November 22, 2023
WhatsApp voice note messages is for sex deviants https://t.co/tybczEbLHW
— Dr Philip Lee (@drphiliplee1) November 22, 2023
Why are you filming in the gym. At the grocery store. Please. I am just trying to go about my life, I don’t want to be a sad, agèd background crone in part 1 of 279 of how to get better butt. Or what brand of frozen pizza you buy. Any of them. Please do your videos at home. https://t.co/R6QCuTv1tp
— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) November 23, 2023
The kids don't use spell check. They have it. The red, squiggly line shows up under their words. They remain unmoved. https://t.co/fn5i3cP6Iu
— Sheera Talpaz (@snarkademic) November 22, 2023
People doing the shopping in their pyjamas. I'm not a "wear a suit and hat" sort of absurd forgie but c'mon lads, even if you're hungover just put on a jumper and wear trainers, it's not hard. https://t.co/ua7bKkE9bI
— Jack Tindale (@JackTindale) November 22, 2023
politeness is one of the most important public-social virtues and if a stranger is rude for any reason i think they should be punished by me https://t.co/MTnLzAb87L
— sebastian castillo (@bartlebytaco) November 22, 2023
— Shelly (@Shelly_AF) November 22, 2023
enough automated phone systems!!!! let me talk to a live person!!!!!!! https://t.co/2kiYNuupPr
— Catherine Tinker (@catherinetinker) November 22, 2023
I’m so uncomfortable with the fact that young kids are all clued to tablets now and I don’t care if the research says it doesn’t hinder development https://t.co/V28ErbWgev
— Jason Okundaye (@jasebyjason) November 22, 2023
No sandwich should ever cost more than $9, even if it has gold leaf and foie gras on it
— ALJ Dredd (@UnionSaltBae) November 22, 2023
I am regularly moved to apoplexy by it apparently being fine to play music on your phone IN LIBRARIES https://t.co/WfkTUx5gEd
— Rob Palk (@robpalkwriter) November 22, 2023
There are too many passwords and it's a full time job to make them all unique.
— Allison Cunny (@allisoncunny) November 22, 2023
When a grocery store puts free standing displays in the aisles, why do people insist on stopping their carts opposite them? What's the strategy there, Leonidas? The Persian grocery is three blocks away. And has the narrowest aisles in town.
— Wes Barton (@wesbarton) November 22, 2023
I think people who litter should do 10 years hard Labour. https://t.co/obDFUpyePQ
— Dr Dyks (@LukeDyks) November 22, 2023
Pianos should not be in train stations. I do not want to hear your child hitting random keys, or your subpar rendition of any popular classical music piece. https://t.co/TA1aouZfP9
— Monégasque Communist (@KafkasDonut) November 22, 2023
I don’t trust backup cameras in cars. Give me an old-fashioned “hand on the back of the passenger seat & strain your neck looking behind you” any day https://t.co/hBr3j3EEii
— Carrie Byrd (@byrdwrites.bsky.social) (@byrdwrites) November 22, 2023
People are too comfortable stopping in the street, aisles in shops etc to talk to someone.
You’re in the way. Move. https://t.co/JgT8ATnwff
— Tim Greenhalgh ️ (@HansSwoleman) November 22, 2023
Phonecalls are quicker, more convenient, and less anxiety inducing than texts/emails. Get responses in real time and get it over with. https://t.co/FNafdVmUzr
— Alys Wilfred Earl (@alysdragon) November 22, 2023
At least he’s self-aware.
Smartphones and social media are rotting our brains and attention spans in ways we’re only beginning to understand
(…he says on Twitter, fully aware) https://t.co/qnDYWTxFad
— Nick Starr (@NickStarrMusic) November 22, 2023
Source girl fieri Image Freepik