People got chills from the totally unpredicted change of atmosphere in this weather forecast
We’re used to hearing Channel 4’s weather reporter Liam Dutton talking about the likelihood of frost or the incoming effects of a cold front, but seldom has he managed to cast a chill like he did during his Wednesday evening appearance.
Watch what happened.
That is the eeriest ending to a weather forecast I’ve ever seen. pic.twitter.com/DkVlEOOjY9
— Andy (@alreadytaken74) November 29, 2023
“And a risk of a few …somebody’s just opened the door.”
One way or another, that had some people shivering.
When you’re trying to sleep but then your drunk housemate comes home pic.twitter.com/j75INIDZbK
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) November 29, 2023
Opening the door when it’s cold is worse than putting big light on. Thoughts and prayers
— Erm Dea (@Em_E_Dee) November 29, 2023
This should be the opening scene of A Ghost Story For Christmas https://t.co/sLF3Ges7E2
— Andrew Male (@Andr6wMale) November 29, 2023
Crazy weather forecast. pic.twitter.com/O9DhgBoZLh
— IT'S YOUR DECISION, DANIEL (@ItsJohnRain) November 29, 2023
— Klaus (@_rubberbaron) November 29, 2023
Zombie movies aren’t this suspenseful and creepy https://t.co/O8rL70owF6
— Mike (@SpideyInTARDIS) November 29, 2023
— Katherine Boyle (@KatherineEBoyle) November 29, 2023
Thank you, I thought I'd imagined this. Has anyone checked on Liam? Who opened the door?! What a cliffhanger.
— Tim Chipping (@timchipping) November 29, 2023
https://t.co/eAY6vNPhsh pic.twitter.com/VUEGImwjcd
— Thomas Ingleson-Grey (@inglesongrey) November 29, 2023
Apparently, if someone opens the studio door during a @Channel4News weather forecast, @liamdutton isn't able to continue, and a nation is left hanging. Very strange. pic.twitter.com/Z9WNMVD21D
— Adrian Hilton (@Adrian_Hilton) November 29, 2023
This scene is followed by Columbo's car pulling up, I know that much. https://t.co/PVRgwmE1w3
— 5 Chinese Crackers (@5ChinCrack) November 29, 2023
The tone of every Midsomer murder where someone turns round to the POV camera and says “Oh, it’s you-“
*cue strangler gloves* https://t.co/WrAyRuJKtP— Mark Wallace (@wallaceme) November 29, 2023
Working late, you're the only person in the building and just finishing off the late night forecast before home https://t.co/CpiRB9ol8r
— Mark Rasure Robotham (@rasureuk) November 29, 2023
— Elmo Putney (@SD8190) November 29, 2023
I have solved the mystery of who opened the door. pic.twitter.com/nk1x3OB3Z7
— Colin the Dachshund (@DachshundColin) November 29, 2023
Clean Feed @ The TV Room had a prediction.
[BLOOPER] The wrong take of tonight's Channel 4 Weather was played out in error.
Tune in tomorrow to find out who was at the door. pic.twitter.com/ti4kLqWwwp
— Clean Feed @ The TV Room (@cleanfeed_ttvr) November 29, 2023
Sadly not, as Liam himself wasn’t telling.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for asking, but no need to worry, I’m fine. The wrong take of the pre-recorded weather was aired.
Who was at the door shall remain a mystery…
In the meantime, here’s what you should have seen. https://t.co/zPAnxg6jZ0
— Liam Dutton (@liamdutton) November 29, 2023
We have our suspicions.
A problem with this BBC weatherman’s equipment led to a funny TMI moment on live TV
Source @alreadytaken74 Image Screengrab