This magnificent BBC News fail finally gave us something in the news to smile about – all our favourite reactions here
It goes without saying that every year in the news has been worse than the last since, ooh, at least 2016.
And while we almost ran out of time in 2023, finally – finally! – the news has thrown up something we can all smile about. And relate to if you’ve ever suffered an excruciating, unintentional public faux pas (so – all of us then).
It’s BBC newsreader Maryam Moshiri who thought she’d have a little bit of private fun while the countdown to the headlines continued with her off screen.
Except suddenly she was on screen, and the bit of private fun went magnificently public.
WATCH: BBC News opens with anchor Maryam Moshiri giving the middle finger pic.twitter.com/UHJZik12I5
— BNO News Live (@BNODesk) December 6, 2023
And lo, a meme was born.
Your new template, You are welcome pic.twitter.com/IbIrtgXKnO
— Ori Zilbershtein (@OriZilbershtein) December 7, 2023
It took us all the way back to this, back in the day.
Tomasz Schafernaker walked so she could run https://t.co/npc3BSsdyN pic.twitter.com/06kP7iCa6u
— Manvir Bains (@MannyBLFC) December 6, 2023
And here are just a few of the many, many things people were saying about it.
an icon has been birthed, i feel pic.twitter.com/0njgT2hGSj
— bally singh (@putasinghonit) December 7, 2023
You’ve got to love the new BBC One logo. pic.twitter.com/030myDxXzp
— Count Binface (@CountBinface) December 6, 2023
Me when Mr Bradshaw walked in to the classroom in 1997. pic.twitter.com/i5ErWlY7iM
— Sooz Kempner (@SoozUK) December 7, 2023
This is AMAZING pic.twitter.com/3kQ4BMvMau
— Olaf Falafel (@OFalafel) December 7, 2023
Clearly hoping to be made a Dame… https://t.co/lvbteEJGEa pic.twitter.com/VVLcPFYqe2
— Stephen McGann (@StephenMcGann) December 6, 2023
Having been in a producer seat for couple of years I can tell you that this happens tons … and the gallery loves it … we just used to give the anchor a heads up that we’re about to come up. https://t.co/omliF9pExD
— Aidan Buckley (@AidanBuckley) December 7, 2023
Is she applying to become an education minister? https://t.co/uH66epOQYA
— HENRY MORRIS (@mrhenrymorris) December 7, 2023
I know exactly how she feels about the news. pic.twitter.com/Bv5kndNXWI
— Brendan May (@bmay) December 7, 2023
Think someone typed that in the teleprompter? https://t.co/gRm6WPIoLK pic.twitter.com/o3Lh6VMC8m
— Stelvis (@Stelvis11) December 6, 2023
I for one appreciate the BBC’s more honest and direct approach https://t.co/LX4X8o1IGD
— Ben Sixsmith (@BDSixsmith) December 7, 2023
pic.twitter.com/Q8hvVmrfB2 https://t.co/sXbI8ZxWcG
— Ruth Husko (@dank_ackroyd) December 7, 2023
This alone would make me pay an extra £15 for the #BBC
I like her
— Pastor Alex (@PastorAlexLove) December 7, 2023
Wait, what did I just watch?
That’s BBC News anchor Maryam Moshiri. pic.twitter.com/tdsj9jIUe8
— FJ (@Natsecjeff) December 6, 2023
To conclude …
legend https://t.co/JW2EkqWdU5
— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) December 7, 2023
Source @BNODesk