Life revenge

This person took epic revenge on an inconsiderate dog walker and it’s simply magnificent

If there are two things that can be guaranteed to get people’s goat on neighbourhood Facebook and WhatsApp groups, it’s dog poop and parking.

And it’s the first of those that went wildly viral today after this person took epic revenge on an inconsiderate dog walker and it’s simply magnificent.

It was shared by @whingewine over on Twitter and, well, best have a read for yourself.

And just in case that’s tricky to read in full …

We are absolutely committed to doing this next time it happens to us (fighting talk, we know). And here are our favourite things people said about it.

To conclude …

Follow @whingewine here!

In one word …


Simply 27 fabulously satisfying examples of people incorrectly correcting others and landing flat on their face

Source @whingewine