There were EU flags at the Last Night of the Proms and some people got their Union Jacks in a bunch
John Redwood wants to undo a non-existent ban on Imperial measures – 14 favourite reactions
This Tory’s solution to massive queues at Dover is …stay in the UK – 19 home truths
18 favourite funny tweets about the tomato shortage
24 funny tweets that get to the root of the fruit and veg shortage
Boris Johnson wants Ukraine to join the EU and there’s not enough WTF in the world
16+ things people are saying about Brexit on its third anniversary
James Acaster nailing Brexit on Mock The Week has gone viral again for reasons that will become obvious
Rishi Sunak’s latest pledge arrived with the most cringeworthy video of the campaign
You can probably guess what people think of Liz Truss’ plan to ‘unleash’ British farming
The Brexit ‘divorce’ bill has gone up by £10 billion because sunlit uplands cost A LOT
Boris Johnson plans a ‘bonfire of EU red tape’ and the déjà vu is off the scale
Brexit bonus – Kent’s lorry queue is now visible from space
The Daily Show explaining how Brexit caused the fuel crisis is one minute very well spent
Only 27 EU HGV drivers have been tempted by the government’s visa offer – 11 favourite reactions