Alan Sugar’s been trolling homeworkers and this comeback was A++
Lord Sugar
Ian Wright called out Lord Sugar’s macho BS without uttering so much as a word
The commentator on the Lionesses’ 8-0 smash hilariously owned Lord Sugar’s everyday sexism
The Jeremy Vine Show’s unfortunate Alan Sugar mix-up was either a schoolboy error or top trolling
12 favourite takedowns of Lord Sugar for claiming he couldn’t understand Martin Freeman’s Scouse accent
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The Apprentice Drinking Game Bingo
The Apprentice 2010 – The Musical
Stuart ‘The Brand’ Baggs launches the brand ‘Baggs’
Poke TV: The Apprentice Recap
Poke TV: The Apprentice Recap (ep 9)
Poke TV: The Apprentice 2010 Recap (ep 7)
Poke TV: The Apprentice 2010 (ep6)
Poke TV: The Apprentice 2010 Recap (ep3)