Weird World

This sloth was the unexpected item in the ziplining area

We’ve watched this clip shared by u/discometric on Reddit’s r/unexpected more times than we care to admit.

It’s definitely unexpected.

Due to some research (Cheers, Google) and many of the responses on the post, we’re satisfied that no sloths were seriously hurt in the creation of this video.

One of the greatest things I’ve seen on this thread. Truly unexpected.

He fully looked back and gave them the “fuck outta my speeding lane” arm.

They sometimes missjudge their branches and take 60ft falls and just kinda are ok. I do feel bad if he got scared but the kid possibly slightly bumping him ain’t shit compared to what they do to themselves.

Luckily sloths are pretty strong/tough for how slow they are.

I assume the kids and that guy are still up there waiting on BabyRoof to gtfo?


TIL a lot about sloths… They’re actually designed to fall up to 100 feet and be fine.

That sloth is running as fast as it can, terrified these weird bald things are on his ass!

u/adamkalani had a concern for the zipliners.

Poor them if they didn’t use the bathroom before getting on.


This sloth’s response to being helped across the road is totally adorable

Source r/Unexpected Image Screengrab