Life restaurants

This restaurant’s response to a customer who cancelled their reservation is the most jaw-dropping thing you’ll read this week

It’s always irritating when you have to cancel a restaurant reservation – for you, because you’re going to have to cook dinner (again) and also for them, obviously, because they’ll be missing out on your custom.

But so long as you do it in plenty of time they’ll hopefully have someone else to fill the table (and you’ll be able to go to the shops).

We say all this because we’ve never ever experienced a restaurant react like this to having to cancel a reservation and it’s surely the most jaw-dropping thing you’ll read this week.

And here it is in full.

And, incredibly, it didn’t end there.

And it didn’t end there either!

And we can’t be the only ones who have just lost our appetite at this point. And we weren’t the only ones by the looks of it. Because this happened.

Despite the ‘closed’ listing by all accounts the restaurant is still open should you wish to book a table (read more about the story on this Boston website here).

Whatever the truth, let’s hope everyone (and everything) is able to get back to normal soon.

Source @revorshowvan Image Unsplash Tai’s Captures