Weird World AI ChatGPT

‘If you ever need a little confidence boost just remember you can always play rock paper scissors with ChatGPT’

Say what you like about ChatGPT – please! – but if you’re feeling in need of a little confidence boost then there’s nowhere better to turn.

We know this because @allgarbled over on Twitter just went wildly viral and it’s surely the most helpful pro-tip you’ll see today.

And – you probably know what’s coming next – just in case you can’t read that in full …

We’ll probably still find a way to lose.

Some people had questions and – hurrah! – @allgarbled was only too happy to help.

NGL, we’re starting to get left behind a bit at this point.

But maybe they’re not playing rock, paper, scissors, maybe they’re playing 4D chess.

Source @allgarbled Image Unsplash