US donald trump Fox News

Donald Trump was asked by Fox News which files he’d declassify and his final reaction is unintentionally hilarious

Over on Fox News they took time out from telling Donald Trump how great he is to ask which files the once (and future?) president would declassify if he makes it back to the White House.

And there were three issues in particular they were keen to talk about, and when we say what for it, we really mean it, in this clip posted on Twitter by @MeidasTouch.

‘I guess I would. I think that less so, because you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that world…’

Right you are, sir!

And his reaction prompted no end of responses as you might imagine but surely no-one said it better than the Daily Show.

Fabulous stuff.


Bob Mortimer’s tale of trying to sell his ‘reversible toilet’ idea to Christian Slater is today’s funniest two minutes

Source @MeidasTouch