Entertainment film reviews

This hilarious take on Kevin Costner’s new movie is surely the most savage review you’ll read this year

Kevin Costner’s got a new film out, a western called Horizon which is either unapologetically old school or plain boring, depending on your point of view.

It’s the first of a planned four-part epic from the co-writer, director and star, a deeply personal project which we hope for his sake he gets to complete.

And we mention it because of one particular review – or, more accurately, one particular section of this review – which went wildly viral for reasons which will become obvious.

It’s by William Earl in Variety …

And this is the section people enjoyed in particular.

Mega oof.

‘During the last hour of “Horizon,” a man sitting several rows behind me descended the steps in the dark theater, spilled his half-full bucket of popcorn midway down, reached to pick it up — but was interrupted when he let out an audible fart. At this point, he abandoned the bucket and hustled to the door. If only “Horizon” matched that level of compact storytelling and wit, featuring a memorable character facing challenging odds.’

You can read the whole review here but this is what people made of that particular bit.

And finally, just in the interests of balance and all that …

To conclude …

Source Variety H/T @aguirreryan