Andrew Tate says he won’t sleep with vaccinated women and the entire internet made the same joke
A tenant’s landlord pulled the plug on the electricity to combat a 5G conspiracy theory and it’s today’s most jaw-dropping thing
The takedown of this ‘you’ll be lost to God’ anti-vaxxer is blisteringly good
The takedown of this anti-vaxxer’s terrifying tale is an all-time classic
Kathy Burke had the very best response to anti-vaxxers using Paul O’Grady’s death to spread their conspiracies
Comeback of the day
This anti-vaxxer takedown is so good it should be available on prescription
This anti-vaxxer took on the scientists and it’s eggs-traordinary stuff
The runaway fury of this anti-vaxxer on Tinder is quite the read
The magnificent takedown of this American anti-vaxxer will send you ape
This professor’s takedown of a vaccine sceptic was simply brutal (and brutally simple)
Anti-vaxxer takedown of the week
This anti-vaxxer parent got precisely the comeback they deserved
This anti-vaxxer explained freedom of speech and everyone’s irony meter exploded
Somebody spotted this top tip for avoiding the measles