17 accidentally NSFW search terms that are a cautionary tale for the internet age
They used to warn people never to look at the bottom of the internet, and it’s pretty good advice. Unfortunately, with one wrong search term, the bottom of the internet can float right to the top.
Nick Harvey had to put his superhuman parental reactions to good use, recently, over one such search term.
My eight year old just tried to google Bear Grylls but it autocorrected to Bare Girls and oh god I’ve never slammed a laptop shut so quickly in all my life.
— Nick Harvey (@mrnickharvey) February 27, 2020
Mini Harvey’s near-miss reminded a lot of people of their own unfortunate internet searches, and we really loved these.
My office wanted to buy a huge inflatable Eiffel Tower to put on a colleagues desk who HATED the French…I know 🤷…anyway, I had to firmly lay my hand over my bosses, with a "Don't do that" as she excitedly typed out Blow Up Eiffel Tower.
— Rachel Fleet (@RachelFleet4) February 28, 2020
My little girl was researching her favourite Character from X-Men and typed Huge Jack the man, I’ve never moved so quick in my life.
— Rachel Costello (@n3stofvip3rs) February 27, 2020
At work I wanted to demonstrate how close-matched URLs are bought so that mis-typed entries resolve to the correct website.
I randomly chose https://t.co/qqrVhtEyxa. It turns out that Microsoft didn’t own that one.— Dave Marchant (@Marchad1) February 27, 2020
A friend of ours little girl wanted to make an easter card and searched for 'little fat chicks' – it wasnt fluffy yellow things that appeared 🙈
— Emma S💛💙 (@emmaslufc) February 27, 2020
We needed new stools in kitchen. Had to be tall and slim. I googled “thin stools” and hit image page 🤢
— Robert Wright (@robmwright) February 28, 2020
When teaching the three little bears I discovered that searching for images in school of Mummy or Baby bear is fine but Daddy bear should be met with grave caution.
— Tigz (@Mr_Tigz) February 28, 2020
My parents were getting their driveway done and my mum searched for 'free hardcore'.
— Daniel Ellis (@dj3llis) February 27, 2020
Never mis type Dr Foster as Dr Fister when you're looking up nursery rhymes . That's all I'm going to say on the subject.
— ☆💫Empress of the Void 💫☆ (@HRH_Mh) February 28, 2020
I genuinely was once asked to name the five main characters & actors in the Young Ones.
I couldn't remember Mike's surname so googled "Young ones". It didn't end well.— Mike Holden (@MikeHolden42) February 28, 2020