Politics election nigel farage

The comic timing of this Nigel Farage heckler was simply impeccable (and funnier than a milkshake)

It wasn’t a great first day of campaigning in Clacton for the election’s newest prospective parliamentary candidate.

First there was all that unfortunate business with the milkshake.

Then he was magnificently monstered by Emily Maitlis.

And then – our favourite – came this heckle which he might not have heard, to be fair, but the comedy timing was simply impeccable shard by @implausibleblog over on Twitter.

Nigel Farage, “What do I have to offer you?”

Man in audience, “F*ck all”

Nigel Farage, “I can promise you..”



Nigel Farage’s hilarious on-air meltdown was so funny even the BBC News man laughed at him and it’s just fabulous

Source @implausibleblog