Natasha Devon’s sarcastic response to an out-of-touch Brexiter was as good as it gets
talk radio
Colin from Portsmouth’s comedy rant about striking workers is almost too believable
The Nativity story gets the Daily Mail treatment courtesy of ‘Colin from Portsmouth’
Mike Graham called James O’Brien ‘loser in chief’ and it didn’t end well for the Talk Radio man
This attempt to embarrass a climate change activist has gone viral all over again
This LBC caller tried to criticise Labour based on ‘cheese and penises’ – it did NOT go well
James O’Brien’s takedown of this Talk Radio listener’s trolling was A++
Talk Radio’s Insulate Britain ‘gotcha’ was a magnificent self-own
A former Brexit Party MEP asked which two England players didn’t take the knee and it’s a glorious self-own
Talk Radio asked if Harry and Meghan should lose their UK citizenship and these responses say it all