
This pizza place must have really annoyed their graphic designer (NSFW!) and it took us far too long to spot it

This pizza place’s flyer has gone viral on Reddit for reasons which it took us far too long to spot.

And when we did spot it, we rather wish we hadn’t.

‘Local pizza shop must have pissed off their graphic designer,’ said Redditor CrakAndJaxter.

See how long it takes to spot why (and don’t say we didn’t warn you).


And we weren’t the only ones who spent far too long to see it.

‘To anyone who doesn’t get it: look at the latte art.’

‘Yup. Didn’t see that.’

‘Is that a latte or are you happy to see me?’

And the pizza place later spotted what had happened and left this message on their Facebook page, as shared by Redditor KingOfTheLAN.

‘Dear Community, We have been made aware of the situation regarding a recent ad, and unfortunately, neither us, or the Community Connections’ proof readers caught the subtle nature of what we thought was a tasteful photo of a cappuccino.

‘We deeply apologize for letting this slip by. None of our proof readers, The Community Connection proof readers, or the actual printer proofers caught the mistake before it was printed and circulated. We are working on making sure this does not happen again.

‘We at REDACTED pride ourselves on being a family oriented pizzeria and restaurant. This is a devastating situation for all of us involved as we are sure it has been for all of you. Please accept our sincerest apologies.’

That’s quite the ‘mistake’.


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Source Reddit u/CrakAndJaxter