
Richard Madeley complimenting a Scottish person for being articulate is today’s funniest facepalm

You’ll already be aware of Richard Madeley’s particular style of presenting, and how often he ends up being compared with Alan Partridge.

So you might already have an inkling of what to expect in this clip from ITV’s Good Morning Britain on Monday.

And yet – all the same – there’s nothing that can quite prepare you for the sheer next level Partridge that is the following 31 seconds.

The moment was spotted by @FernBrady among others on Twitter.

And here it is.

The man he was talking to was Scottish presenter Sean McDonald, who was trying to explain to Madeley how a strong accent can often lead to assumptions about your class background and education.

Thoughts and prayers going out to Susanna Reid at this difficult time.

To conclude …

Source Twitter @BeardedGenius