People have been busy ‘naming something harder than this’ – 17 funniest and most relatable responses
The pay-off to this break-up text saying the woman needs to lose weight is a proper jaw-dropper and got just the response it deserved
This especially no-nonsense Korean tactic of encouraging people to use the stairs is either very wrong or so very right
Olaf Falafel added fart noises to these fitness Instagrammers and it’s the most fun we’ve had this week
Possibly the most thrilling sporting event you’ll see this week
10 fitness life hacks to help you get in shape this summer
Anyone want to buy one those cool wristbands that tells you how much you run?
8 People Who Really Need To Rethink Their New Year Fitness Resolution
New Yoga Positions For This Week
Davina McCall’s Fitness Video Is Something Else
‘Cocaine Yoga’: new diet craze sweeps nation