
Everyone’s watching planes try to land in Storm Eunice at Heathrow and it’s gripping and terrifying stuff

Millions of people have been told to stay at home as the nation battens down the hatches in the face of Storm Eunice, one of the fiercest storms to hit the country in decades.

And it turns out quite a few of these people are tuned into Big Jet TV, a YouTube channel devoted to watching planes landing at Heathrow.

It’s not a big budget operation and it’s all the better for that, a gripping and utterly terrifying watch.

That’s really not doing a lot to help with our fear of flying right now.

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about it.

To conclude …

Follow Big Jet TV on Twitter here and on YouTube over here.


The UK has been battered by storms and funny tweeters have battered back – 28 low blows

Source YouTube Big Jet TV