Weird World

Just a fabulous takedown of this conspiracy theorist mocking ‘normies’ ignoring the ‘mountain of proof’

You might remember a little while ago we featured this particularly entertaining takedown of this person upset that the military gets a day but Pride gets a whole month.

Well this is similar but different, a conspiracy theorist mocking ‘normies’ who ignore the mountain of evidence that, you know, the tin foil hat brigade are right.

And it’s just as satisfying.

Here it is again, in close-up.


And here’s the most popular response over on Reddit, a joke we’ll try to remember to tell in the pub later …

‘Two conspiracy nuts end up at the gates of heaven before God. God says to them “You may ask any question of me.”

‘The first man asks “Was the Maui fire started by a space laser to clear out residents so the rich could buy up all the land? God says “No my child. It was a combination of poor agriculture and climate change.”

‘The first man turns to his friend and says “This goes up higher than we thought.”

Source Reddit professorearl