Carol Decker from T’Pau is very annoyed about the state of Quality Street packaging – 14 responses to share and enjoy
Caramac bars are being confined to the confectionery scrapheap – 15 sweet (over)reactions
We can hardly believe this leopard is made of chocolate and not …well, leopard
27 Easter treats from Twitter to take your mind off chocolate for 5 minutes
Aldi had one of the funniest reactions to the new M&S ’23 carrot gold chocolate egg’
A man audited his Quality Street tin and it’s started a huge online debate
Honest Quality Street
ISIS Changes Name To Avoid Chocolate Confusion
British Population Now 60% Alcohol, 40% Cocoa
The Internet’s Most Heart-Attack Inducing Easter Egg Recipes
How To Make The Most Of Valentine’s Day
Job Application Rejection Letter Of The Week: Cadbury
Rebels Who Can’t Be Stopped
How To Eat Chocolate Indefinitely
Easter Might Be Cancelled This Year