People were asked for their dad jokes ‘so bad they deserve a standing ovation’ and these 23 all got an encore
dad jokes
Simply 30 of the funniest dad jokes to take the edge off a very long year
Took us far too long to get this ‘niche bilingual joke’ but it was very much worth it in the end
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s answer to a daft space travel question was an out-of-this-world dad joke
21 jokes from Reddit’s r/3amjokes that are so bad they’re good(ish)
Feast your eyes on this map of the most popular ‘Dadisms’ in every US state
You don’t need to be a Dad to enjoy our latest bumper crop of 32 wonderful ‘Dad Jokes’
17 of the dumbest jokes that still make people laugh
27 hilarious dad jokes to help take the edge off
21 funniest ‘feelings of a particularly bad dad joke’ from Angry Upvote on Reddit
23 hilarious dad jokes to help escape the hell of it all for a moment or two
Atheist dad jokes will show you the way
These 26 dad jokes are so bad they’re …still bad, actually – but very funny
Dad joke of the week
This handy checklist to find out ‘how dad are you?’ is a hilariously relatable read