How to build the best toilet-themed Halloween costume you’ll see this year
This video about asking dad for help is today’s loveliest and most relatable watch
Someone claimed to have finished a can of WD40 and the responses were hilarious
23 of the most eye-opening (and occasionally terrifying) DIY hacks from ‘redneck engineering’ on Reddit
This DIYer simply did not think the job through
This one-size-fits-all cat owner hack might not be all it’s cracked up to be
17 dubiously creative fixes from r/redneckengineering
Bad day? Could be worse, you could be putting glue down on this floor
Watch how this guy got really stuck into the D.I.Y.
This DIYer might not have read the room before his basement revamp
The MJ Way nailed his reaction to this DIY project
15 improvised fixes that are so much better than they should be
14 DIY projects that are simply so bad they’re almost brilliant
These 15 funny crafting catastrophes prove it’s not as easy as it looks
These cats ruining a bathroom might just be the funniest thing you’ll see this week (NSFW)