
An Uber driver didn’t recognise Lorde and boasted to her about the celeb he’d just had in his car…

You know Lorde. She’s a pop-singery person, famous for people thinking she’s older than she really is (she’s 19, yes, really) and South Park doing an whole episode where it turns out she’s actually Stan‘s dad, Randy Marsh.

Anyway, she’s just gotten an Uber and the driver failed to recognise her and instead boasted about having just picked up a famous person:

So take it away Lorde, in three tweets:

And doesn’t it make you think it’s all a bit this:

Yep, call us harsh but isn’t Lorde doing a bit of a “Do you know who I am?” here a little? If not directly to the Uber driver, but more subtly by posting it on her Twitter account?

Actually there’s an amusing coda to this, Ellie Goulding‘s had this incident with her Uber driver:

Anyway, that’s enough pop news from The Poke, unless you want to know about what’s happening with Duran Duran, and frankly, who doesn’t?