Princess Diana ‘votes for Brexit’. This is peak Daily Mail, pretty much peak everything
ROYALS: ‘Ghost of Princess Diana conveniently has the exact same opinions as your readership’ says shitty friend hawking lies for cash.
— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) August 3, 2017
It’s not even an exclusive, making it EVEN MORE Daily Mail.
Wasn't this exclusive in the Express yesterday?
— Lazarus (@DJLazarus) August 3, 2017
"I'm getting something…It's Diana… she's saying… woOOooo send them back wooOOoo we're full send back the EU ghosties"
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) August 2, 2017
I don't think you can claim exclusivity of imaginary conversations with the dead
— DCharlie (@DCharlieJP) August 3, 2017
Funny. Diana also speaks to me. She said Brexit is a disaster and she hates Daily Mail for way they treated her after hersplit with Charles.
— Spiltdown Man (@nahtanoj1971) August 3, 2017
The people's Brexiteer.
— Colin Carroll (@actonblue) August 3, 2017
As spotted by @DMReporter (not actually a Daily Mail reporter). Follow them here on Twitter.