
People loved the New Zealand PM’s response about the Easter Bunny in lockdown

In dark times you appreciate every ray of light you can get and this was just a lovely moment courtesy of New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern.

She she was asked at a press conference how the coronavirus lockdown would affect the Easter Bunny and what she had to say went viral because, well, here goes.

Beautifully done!

And there was more.

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This is a message for the kids of New Zealand. I’ve been asked by lots of you whether the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are an essential service (I even got asked in a press conference today!) I have good news, the are! But because we’re all in isolation at the moment, the Easter Bunny might not make it to every house this year (they probably have to look after their own Bunny family too). So just in case, I’m wondering if you’ll help me create an Easter egg hunt for all the children in your neighbourhood? You can draw your own Easter egg, or you can colour in the one that some of my clever friends helped to make. All you have to do is colour it in or decorate it, and pop it in your window for other kids to find. I'd also love to see your designs. If you email them to [email protected], or share them on social media using the hashtag #NZEggHunt, I'll pop a few of them here and on Facebook over the Easter weekend. Have fun everyone! P.S you can print a copy of this colouring sheet over on my Facebook page.

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Homemade Anti-coronavirus Mask of the Week

Source @DanielRosney