
CNN’s chyron writer was brutally honest about Trump’s briefing meltdown

On Monday, Donald Trump‘s press briefing on the coronavirus was extraordinary due to the President choosing to air a video supposedly demonstrating how well he had been handling the crisis.

It was less extraordinary that he verbally attacked journalists for asking questions. Here’s a glimpse of the propaganda video.

The full thing rewrites history in a way most effectively summed up by the phrase “Four legs good, two legs better.

This is how he reacted to questioning by CBS reporter, Paula Reid.

The meltdown didn’t pass unnoticed by the person writing CNN’s chyrons, which report the briefing in a succinct and devastatingly honest fashion.

Writer @OhHaiDRol wasn’t the only person to spot brutal chyrons.

Photo-editor extraordinaire, Chris Barker, summed up all the chyrons in this one of his own.

Nailed it.


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Source @OhHaiDRol Image @OhHaiDRol