
Kay Burley owning the work & pensions secretary with basic maths is brilliantly done

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘mini’ budget has been variously greeted as a reckless gamble, a fiscal and moral outrage and a recipe for economic chaos.

Not all the reviews have been so positive, though, as the currency markets went into meltdown and the pound plunged to its lowest ever level against the dollar.

Over on Sky News, presenter Kay Burley wondered if the big tax giveaway for high earners – abolishing the 45% rate of income tax – couldn’t have instead been used to benefit people struggling to warm their homes this winter.

So she put a bit of basic maths to work and pensions secretary Chloe Smith and it’s brilliantly done.

Bravo, Kay Burley.

Only one question remained …

And it turns out the answer to that last question is … yes.


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