Philippa Perry asked people how they met and the amazing tales poured in – our 17 favourites
A Saturday Morning last throw of dice on The Times Dating website – I was so fed up with it. He was on Telegraph one – didn’t realise they shared data – exchanged emails, texts, call over w/end. Met on the Monday for dinner – again on the Tuesday – haven’t been apart since ❤️
— 🏁Mrs Nash 🏁 💙 🇺🇦 (@HalcyonNash) October 5, 2022
She pushed in front of me in a bar.
Second day of new job I needed to take pet rabbit to the vet, so smuggled him into staff room of restaurant where I worked and hid him under a coat. During break found my new boss cuddling rabbit. Eyes met across a rabbit abscess and rest was history.
— Uncanny Patting (@KeanePatti) October 5, 2022
Ad in @PrivateEyeNews in 1987. 70 replies. Met 12 chaps in 2 weeks. Jim, in London for a politics course pre law/PoliSci school, answered 2 ads. 1 brilliant evening; left for US next day. But… we married in 1990. Later, came across ad. Shocked – he thought I was the other one!
— Penny Ewles-Bergeron (@ABroadBrush) October 5, 2022
Via a now defunct website called Holy Moly, just commenting on stuff and we just made each other laugh so much and 15 years and one son later, we are still going!
— Donna Rees. (@DonnaARees) October 5, 2022
Lovely thread! I met mine on the first day of uni, we were allocated rooms on the same corridor, friends for a year and been together 16 years now, married for 11 and two kids to show for it!
— Matt Ford (@fordcows) October 5, 2022
Saw him on tv talking about gardening. Followed him on insta for more gardening tips. From there he claims I started it by aggressively liking all of his posts. I claim he started it by sliding into my DMs. Either way it’s worked out ok so far (5 years and counting)
— JC (not that one) (@_Lady_Gardener) October 5, 2022
On a bus on the other side of the world. I was backpacking and so was he. He missed two busses…I was on the third one. We’ve basically lived together ever since (18 years, 2 kids, and another 3 countries).
— N J Simmonds (@NJSimmondsbooks) October 5, 2022
And finally, this.
I was a nurse in A&E, or Casualty as it was called then. A man came in with a saucepan stuck on his head. It was Nigel. Our eyes met over the Vaseline and it was love. We managed to get the saucepan off after the third date.
— Mrs Nigel Farage (@MrsNigel) October 5, 2022
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