
‘Joe Biden is Jim Carrey in a mask’ wins conspiracy theory of the week

We’re grateful to @TheGoodLiars for once again shining a light on the thoughts of ordinary Americans.

Well, we say ordinary, but this is pretty extraordinary stuff. It’s an exchange with these Trump supporters at a rally for the former president in which, well, best have a watch for yourself.

It’s just gone viral again on Reddit after it was shared by Tara_is_a_Potato who said: ‘She honestly believes the US President is actually Jim Carrey wearing a mask.’

Here are our favourite things people said about it.

‘How did we get to this point where you can no longer satirise them because what they actually believe is worse than anything you could make up.’

‘Lack of formal education….this is a prime example of what happens when people choose to defund schools.’

‘No way James Woods would agree to play a Democrat.’

‘She’s voting next week. Are you?’

‘How do we begin to have a conversation to plan how to fix the countries problems with…..THAT.

‘How can we even begin when the people we need to understand are so unhinged as …..whatever the hell that was.’

‘This is why “both sides” and “respect other opinions” arguments are basically bad faith excuse making at this point.’

To conclude …

‘….what the f-ck is happening in this country?’

And if you don’t already, follow @TheGoodLiars on Twitter here!


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Source Twitter @TheGoodLiars Reddit Tara_is_a_Potato