
The mounting fury of this guy trying (and failing) to get something for free is a very funny read

In the ‘choosing beggar’ hall of fame, this is surely somewhere close to the top.

It’s a guy who got in touch with a boilermaker to try to get some welding done – that’s all the context we’ve got – and he really, really didn’t want to pay for it.

Well that escalated quickly, and entirely predictably, alas.

‘Why do these people always say “blocked” as if they have the upper hand?’

‘Yes as if you contacted them and want something from them lol. Oh no please what ever shall I do with out you in my life!’

‘This guy acts like stealing from your workplace, and risking getting fired, for the absolute privilege of spending many unpaid hours building a stranger a trailer, with no obvious benefit to you, is just an everyday thing. Some people would struggle to see a good deal if one sat on their face.’

Source Reddit