Toby Young couldn’t get his head around Marcus Rashford’s expensive car and of all these responses Dom Joly surely said it best
To the world of Toby Young now – no, stick with us, please – where the, er, general secretary of the Free Speech Union has been struggling to get his head around the fact that Marcus Rashford has an expensive car.
Specifically, how can the tireless activist, anti-poverty campaigner and food superhero (and MBE) have this particular set of wheels.
I’m mystified as to why a ‘poverty campaigner’ doesn’t merely own a £700,000 Rolls-Royce but owns a £600,000 ‘back up’ one in case he crashes his first (which he has). We’ve all heard of champagne socialists, but this is next level. Rolls-Royce Radicals? https://t.co/F39CwhZlI7
— Toby Young (@toadmeister) September 25, 2023
But it’s one of the joys of Twitter – not one of many, obviously – that there was no shortage of people happy to help out.
And while these sterling responses were all totally on-point …
What is your idea of an income threshold which obliges people to simply stop caring about poverty and children being hungry in school? What should they be allowed to own? What should they be allowed to spend per week? In your eyes, what compassion is legitimate?
— Colin Millar (@Millar_Colin) September 25, 2023
It's true that the only moral rich people are those that keep everything for themselves. And anyone who gives even anything to charity (a paltry £20 million in Rashford's case) must give everything lest they are the worst of hypocrites. Can I write for the Daily Mail now please? https://t.co/Znkfz0Va8v
— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) September 26, 2023
Of course you’re mystified…
Because in that head of yours, it’s unfathomable that someone can be filthy rich and still give a shit about those who aren’t.
— Marina Purkiss (@MarinaPurkiss) September 26, 2023
All you need to know about Toby Young is that after he failed to get into Oxford, his dad – a life peer – called up and got him in anyway.
Marcus Rashford, by contrast, was born into poverty on a council estate and made it to the top of the most competitive sport in the world. https://t.co/7iFaY2KZ0r
— Alfie | HITC Sevens (@HITCSevens) September 25, 2023
You are right, of course, rich people should stick to looking down on poor people rather than trying to improve their quality of life.
— Craig McKee (@CraigMcKeeEdu) September 25, 2023
He's a footballer, Toby. https://t.co/DKugg0xZLk
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) September 25, 2023
Comical. Aren’t you all about freedom, Toby? Isn’t Marcus Rashford free to campaign to end child poverty while also being free to enjoy his own success?
— Matthew Stadlen (@MatthewStadlen) September 25, 2023
I see Toby Young has been tweeting his tweets again pic.twitter.com/KMRLHggAes
— Sarah Dempster (@Dempster2000) September 26, 2023
… Dom Joey surely said it best.
Jesus – the desperate level of motherfuckery involved in tweeting this defies all known logic. https://t.co/MUwmOLKMMQ
— Dom Joly (@domjoly) September 25, 2023
Properly mystifying …
Source Twitter @toadmeister