‘Why didn’t he or she get a second date?’ – 21 horror stories to have you running for the hills
Every first date is an exciting experience and, sadly, usually a disappointing one too.
You build this gorgeous stranger up to be your soulmate and then, when you actually meet them, they do or say something so strange or annoying that you immediately know you won’t be seeing them again. And, in fact, you want to exit the situation as soon as possible.
We say this after Redditor BravoMedic26 posed the simple question:
‘Why didn’t he or she get a second date?’
And plenty of people had stories about first dates that will make your hair stand on end.
‘Her apartment looked like it was ransacked by wolves. I’m not even exaggerating. This was a city apartment, so I’m quite sure there were no wolves. Most of the furniture was knocked over. Boxes everywhere. No clear delineation between laundry, food, and garbage.’
‘She brought her kid to the restaurant without actually telling me she had a kid, then she saw her friend outside, she got up and left me with her child who I had never met and had a 15 minute conversation outside!’
‘He talked about how much cocaine he did with his ‘entertainment lawyer’ friends. He suggested doing some coke together. He asked me if I had any.
‘It was a Wednesday lunch time date.’
‘She ordered an obnoxious amount of expensive food while I barely ate one order. She then passed me the bill, thinking I’m dumb. Flagged the waiter and asked them to re-write the order as separate bills. Payed for mine and left her there.’
‘She was one of the cutest girls I met online, and we had a nice dinner. Then she asked if I wanted to meet up with her friends for more drinks down the street.
‘I thought that was fine, seemed like a good sign she wanted to keep hanging out. However, she didn’t say another word to me the rest of the night once we met up with them. I just sat and listened to their conversation for an hour then awkwardly left.’
‘Her ex ‘just happened’ to be walking outside the restaurant we were at and she invited him in to sit at our table and have dinner with us. I protested, but I had to take a leak and the food was arriving. So I went to the bathroom.
‘When I came back the food, date, and date’s ‘ex’ had all disappeared. The time between this dude sitting at our table, the food arriving, and me coming back from the bathroom was less than five minutes.’
‘A friend of mine told me about a date she went on. It was great, they both liked each other made plans for a second date lots of chemistry.
‘As they left the restaurant she slipped on some snow and ice twisting her ankle he just laughed at her and walked away. He texted later about the second date, she ignored him.’
‘Dude slapped my stomach and told me to lay off the burgers.’
‘I told him beforehand that I have severe food allergies and therefore I don’t eat in restaurants much.
‘I was down for any other activity, but ‘first date’ is a bad time to try out a new restaurant if you’re allergic to living. For some reason he deeply resented this and spent the whole date making passive-aggressive jokes about how people with food allergies suck and probably shouldn’t be alive.’
‘We went to a little tea/pastry shop. Kept talking about his ex non-stop, showing pictures of her etc. ‘Forgot’ his wallet ‘because of his depression’. Then when he realised I was not engaging that much in the conversation he asked me if I’d friendzoned him. I answered no. Then he asked if I wanted to have sex. Hum, no thanks.’