‘What’s an insult you’ll never forget?’ – 19 absolute zingers
Marina Purkiss thoroughly schooled this confused Tory-voting Jeremy Vine caller
This misogynist gamer got murdered by words – and the internet cheered
Ian Wright called out Lord Sugar’s macho BS without uttering so much as a word
Joe Lycett made the most of his Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony role with a savagely funny dig at the government
The commentator on the Lionesses’ 8-0 smash hilariously owned Lord Sugar’s everyday sexism
This joke about anti-vaxxers was made even better by the comments
The epic takedown of this anti-vaxxer has given us a new favourite insult
17 times people found the perfect insult for the occasion
The 5 funniest takedowns of the Republican congresswoman changing her pronoun to ‘patriot’
Burn of the Day
Greta Thunberg had a mic-drop response to the warning that pollution is shrinking penises
A headteacher sent the best response to the parents telling his staff how to teach
Nigella Lawson’s ‘recipe of the day’ was the subtlest, most savage Donald Trump burn