
Marina Purkiss thoroughly schooled this confused Tory-voting Jeremy Vine caller

Writer and political commentator Marina Purkiss is often the lone left-leaning voice on Channel 5’s Jeremy Vine show, as well as being a frequent tweeter, keeping a close eye on the government’s behaviour. In both settings, and on her podcast The Trawl, she says what she thinks.

On Thursday’s Jeremy Vine, she had a question – and a third-degree burn – for this caller who was making no sense.

Not everyone appreciated her takedown – including Kath, obviously. Former Social Mobility Tsar Katharine Birbalsingh, who has criticised the rise of ‘wokeness’, took an unsurprising stance.

Most tweeters, however, were happy to see the caller’s cognitive dissonance called out.

Kevin Long made a fair point.

Marina had a perfect burn for another hopelessly Tory woman – Ann Widdecombe. Listen out for her suggestion of a more suitable game for the former Tory-turned Brexit Party politician.

via Gfycat


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Source Marina Purkiss Image Screengrab