‘If Art Critics Talked Like Football Pundits’ is a worldy straight to the back of the net
sketch comedy
‘What should be on the test to become a nurse?’ – Funny, gross and real in equal measure
This hilarious comparison between Alexa and Siri is funny because it’s true
‘The Guy Who Decides Halloween’ has a Hell of a lot to answer for
‘If Batman was set in England’ is the reboot we needed all along
‘What have the Tories ever done for us?’ brings that Life of Brian clip bang up to date
This hilarious satirical news report on cancel culture has a weirdly familiar ring
The only parody advert you need will have you sniggering into your yoghurt
Want to know ‘The Problem With Every Time Travel Movie’? Alasdair Beckett-King has it covered
The only way to talk to Trump is like he’s a pre-schooler – this nails it
Michael Spicer’s comedy edit made that Jake Humphrey advice video unmissable
‘Being honest with the builders’ might be the most hilariously relatable thing you watch today
‘What if cats had podcasts?’
Rishi Sunak said the quiet part out loud – and ‘Colin from Portsmouth’ had questions
‘How different generations arrive at people’s houses’ will make you feel seen